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In the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, email security stands as a critical bastion of defence.

Cyber Solutions, Securing our Communities.

Email Security

At the forefront of this battle is Proofpoint Email Security, a robust platform designed to empower organisations against the myriad challenges posed by email-based attacks. Our mission is to safeguard your digital communication channels, ensuring that your business can operate securely, efficiently, and confidently.

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Proofpoint Secures Entry Points

As companies navigate the complex and treacherous terrain of email security, they often find themselves in search of comprehensive solutions that offer more than just basic protection. Proofpoint Email Security goes beyond standard safeguards, providing a holistic suite of features that cater to the unique needs of modern businesses.

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Core Features

Advanced Threat Protection: Uncover and neutralise advanced threats with dynamic analysis, threat intelligence, and real-time threat detection.

Data Loss Prevention: Safeguard sensitive data and intellectual property from accidental or intentional leaks through powerful content inspection and policy enforcement.

Email Encryption: Ensure the privacy of sensitive communications with robust email encryption, securing information from end to end.

Multi-Factor Authentication: Fortify your email access with multi-factor authentication, enhancing login security and thwarting unauthorised access.

Security Awareness Training: Train your employees to become human firewalls, reducing the risk of human error in security breaches.

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Real-time Threat Detection Proofpoint's email security system employs cutting-edge technology to detect and mitigate threats in real-time, safeguarding your organisation from phishing, malware, and other email-based threats.

Threat Intelligence

Benefit from the latest threat intelligence to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals, proactively blocking attacks and minimising risks.

Content Filtering and Data Loss Prevention

Our advanced content inspection and data loss prevention capabilities help you prevent sensitive data from leaving your organisation inadvertently or maliciously.

Intuitive Management Console

Streamline your email security management with our user-friendly console, ensuring easy navigation and control over your security policies.

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1800 676862




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