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In the complex and ever-shifting landscape of cyber security, quick detection and response to threats have become paramount

Cyber Solutions, Securing our Communities.

Extended Threat Intelligence

Meet SOCRadar, , a state-of-the-art Extended Threat Intelligence Platform designed to equip organisations in their tireless quest for cyber resilience. SOCRadar, recognises the urgency of staying ahead of threats and breaches, and its platform is meticulously engineered to provide the comprehensive protection your business requires.

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SOCRadar Robust Solution

Modern enterprises seek robust solutions that go beyond traditional security measures. SOCRadar meets these demands by offering a rich array of features to address the multifaceted challenges faced by businesses today.

SOCRadar is at the forefront of Extended Threat Intelligence Platforms, offering a robust and versatile solution to ensure your organisation remains secure, resilient, and capable of rapid response in today's dynamic threat environment.

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Core Features

Real-time Threat Detection: Leveraging advanced analytics and threat intelligence, SOCRadar offers real-time threat detection and immediate response to security incidents, effectively mitigating risks.

Incident Response Orchestration: Automate and streamline your incident response processes to swiftly mitigate threats, safeguarding your organisation's integrity.

Compliance and Reporting: Effortlessly meet regulatory compliance requirements and generate comprehensive reports showcasing adherence to security standards.

Behavioural Analytics: Harness behavioural analytics to detect anomalies and unusual patterns within your network, identifying potential threats even before they materialise.

Customisable Dashboards: Tailor your security monitoring to your precise requirements with customisable dashboards, ensuring that you receive critical insights for your organisation.

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Advanced Threat Detection SOCRadar's advanced threat detection system empowers organisations to proactively identify and thwart threats, reducing the risk of successful breaches.

User and Entity Behaviour Analytics (UEBA)

SOCRadar employs UEBA to provide insights into user and entity behaviour, simplifying the detection and response to insider threats and cyberattacks.

Incident Response Automation

SOCRadar streamlines incident response processes, enabling your team to respond promptly to security incidents and minimise damage.

Seamless Data Integration

The platform seamlessly integrates with your existing security infrastructure, ensuring a smooth transition while preserving previous investments.

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